Take a good look at the information you have for the emergency roadside assistance services offered by your insurance company and chances are you will find something you won’t like- restrictions. A quick online search reveals companies that limit towing services to 15 miles, will only tow to the nearest service station, put monetary limits on how much they will pay for towing, or refuse to tow if you are not within 10 feet of a public paid road. If you find yourself needing roadside assistance, chances are you are in a stressful situation. At that time, the last thing you want to deal with are restrictions. Wouldn’t you rather choose a company that could provide you with peace of mind?
If so, Best Roadside Service can provide you with the security you need during your travels. 24 hours per day, we are just a phone call away, with more than 25,000 providers in the United States and Canada who are at the ready to assist you. With over 25 years of experience and a nationwide response time of 30 minutes, Best Roadside Service is a company you can trust to do the job right every time.
Below are just a few of the features that make our company unique.
- We can tow vehicles weighing up to 12,500 pounds.
- If you run out of fuel, we will deliver 3 gallons of gasoline to you free of charge.
- We will tow your vehicle to the nearest most qualified repair facility within a 75 mile radius free of charge.
- We provide car unlocking services using only manufacturer approved methods and tools.
- Our services don’t increase your insurance premium since it doesn’t get reported to the insurance company.
We offer a trip and routing service which can assist you with turn-by-turn directions as well as hotel, travel, and rental car reservations. We can also assist you with local landmarks, restaurants, and ATM locations.